
Model Photography

Kelsi is the last, (actually first,) of the four models that came to my studio for the marathon photo-session. Actually, Kelsi joined us to do hair styling for the other girls, but I also wanted to take this opportunity to get her in front of the camera. Kelsi did her own makeup and hair before she arrived, so we were able to jump right in and start shooting before anybody else arrived. She has stunning eyes and I did my best to feature those in as many shots as possible. Fun shoot and I loved the images we captured.

Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography
Corona Model Photography | Corona Hair and Makeup Photography

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