Dr. Kyle Vincent

Marketing Headshots

Dr. Kyle is working with a marketing/branding company to jumpstart his Temecula medical practice. They contacted me to provide headshot photography in my studio. Dr. Kyle arrived straight from work, still in his scrubs, but was able to change clothes and jump right into the photosession without missing a beat. This was such a laid-back session. We spent just as much time talking as we did actually shooting. I wanted to provide the marketing company with a good variety of poses, so we went through several different setups and outfit changes before we were finally finished. Here’s a sample of what we did…

Corona Doctor Headshot Photography | Temecula Medical Corona Doctor Headshot
Corona Doctor Headshot Photography | Temecula Medical Corona Doctor Headshot
Corona Doctor Headshot Photography | Temecula Medical Corona Doctor Headshot
Corona Doctor Headshot Photography | Temecula Medical Corona Doctor Headshot
Corona Doctor Headshot Photography | Temecula Medical Corona Doctor Headshot
Corona Doctor Headshot Photography | Temecula Medical Corona Doctor Headshot
Corona Doctor Headshot Photography | Temecula Medical Corona Doctor Headshot
Corona Doctor Headshot Photography | Temecula Medical Corona Doctor Headshot
Corona Doctor Headshot Photography | Temecula Medical Corona Doctor Headshot

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